Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Ways to spice up your life

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Spice up your life.
  1. Move your ass- you may think that staying on house, sleeping, drinking the usual drink, eating the necessary or watching old movies inside your room with your pet yawning- is the total kickass for weekends or even on holidays then you are totally nuts.  Move your ass out of that bed or couch and see the world outside darling. It’s on my own perception and also happened to me that world outside is more magical and awesome. Stay out of the box and show your new shoes in the catwalk.
  2. Learn something new- this is actually belongs on my bucket list since I know that it is an important must do’s in life. Just think about it, don’t you feel bored on the same or usual things that are always, ALWAYS happening and keep on repeating? Like the usual daily habits? Then you must be the great break stopper on that cycle.
  3. Meet new friends- not that your usual friends are boring, or you always talk about the same thing, same scenario but I mean meeting new friends is like adding another life lessons to your lifetionary. New friends means, new adventures, new fun, new perspectives, new hangouts, new companions. But be careful on choosing your ‘new friends’.
  4. Overcome your fears- overcoming your fears also means of letting another adventure in your life, I mean if you finally step out of that line then you probably added a new scenes in your life that you’d never done before. Recognize that your fears reflect areas where you can grow.
  5. Write a letter to your future self- this is one way of telling yourself in the future about the dreams, the plans or expectations you have. It’s like mirroring yourself and talking about the great possibilities ahead of you. It is also like having a positive mindset about achieving your dreams in the future or maybe like telling yourself the difference of you in yesterday and in the future.
  6. Make your own bucket list- simply means putting all the dreams or plans you had, short term or long term. You’ll just feel the happiness once you’ve check the box when you finally achieved those goals.
  7. Get out of your comfort zone- challenge yourself and be better. Do not stick yourself into something that you already know, why not try something and do something that’ll make you happy inside?
  8. Identify your blind spots. Scientifically, blind spots refer to areas our eyes are not capable of seeing. In personal development terms, blind spots are things about ourselves we are unaware of. It’s like discovering yourself into a new whole perspective  of your life.
  9. Acknowledge your flaws. Everyone has flaws. What’s most important is to understand them, acknowledge them, and address them. Once you finally accepted it, it will be like a refreshment to yourself and therefore opening yourself to try again.
  10. Quit a bad habit. –just quit. If isn’t that good to you or not giving you the life you should have then quit. It’s hard to do it, but what’s important is to try to develop yourself and leaving the bad ones.
  11. Let go of the past. Is there any grievance or unhappiness from the past which you have been holding on? If so, it’s time to let it go. Holding on to those things will just keep you from moving and therefore holding you back. You’ll just lose yourself for accepting the opportunities that is given to you. Open your eyes, open your soul.


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