Sunday, November 6, 2016

10 things I hate but makes me love you.


I hate it when I ask you “what are you thinking?” Then you’ll say nothing, even though there is. It makes me wanted to wonder in your world.

I hate it when you lie or whenever I felt that you’re lying. I honestly wanted to know all the details, big or small.

I hate it when you take 5 cigs a day (or more) or get drunk on evenings. I am concern about your health, I wanted to be with you for the longest time, because we have so much things to do.

I hate it when you look at me & I’ll ask you “Why?” then you’ll say nothing. If you wanted to tell me I am beautiful or if you love me, or if there’s a dirt on my face, please tell me. I wanted to hear it from you.

I hate it when you accidentally steps on my foot or trip. I walk fast remember? So why?

I hate it when you fall asleep & forget to text me good night. I know you’re tired, but please before going to sleep, send me a good night message, when the night comes, I wanted my last text message would be coming from you.

I hate it when you sip your drink louder. It’s kinda cute, but others are looking. But it’s you, so it’s okay anyway.

I hate it when we fight, either it’s me who started or you, I just really don’t like the feeling. But whenever it will happen, please let us always try our best to work things out.

I hate it when you’re thinking you’ll disappoint me or you’ll fail. I wanted you to know that I am here in your worst & best moments in your life.

I hate knowing all the girls you like before.


I love it when you touch my cheeks, chin, ears & back. It’s like you’re playing with my sensation.

I love it when you hold my hand, while we’re walking in the middle of the night, just the two of us. You make me feel safe.

I love it how you protect me while crossing the streets, you’re so into it. I also do love while you patiently wait for me when I came from work. It touches my heart, knowing that you’ll be waiting for me. I will always appreciate your efforts.

I love it when you say my name or our endearment, it’s like my name has a new meaning.

I love looking at you while you eat, you make me realize that foods shouldn’t come into waste, every bit of it. I love the nights when we decided to drink outside, talk & have a meaningful conversation. You are the best food buddy I ever have.

I love it when you say you’ll support me, I love it, that even though it’s not your thing to photograph foods or places, you still join me in my hobby & make sure will get the right shot.

I love knowing that even though, I am the craziest, moodiest, weirdest person in the world, you always choose to stay & still interested in knowing my thoughts.

I love how you respect me, it really shows , for telling me I am beautiful, that you’re proud of me & that you’re lucky to have me as your partner. It made me feel the best.

I love it when we both plan & think about our future together, to the places we would go, to the times we can spend all the time & be fool & stupid in love.

1   I love it when you tell me you are happy when you’re with me, that even though I have my own flaws, you still love me & you will always choose to love me.  And there’s more to love about you.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Why we keep on coming back?

Dear _____,

I have a song for you.
“True love they use to say won’t leave you astray, but hey babe we can start all over again, we’re going home”. There may be a hundred reasons why we failed in the first try, a hundred reasons why we broke up, a hundred reasons why we decided and called it quits. But if there’s one reason why we always wanted to come back, maybe that reason is too strong compared to the hundred reasons why we grow apart. That one reason maybe could bring us back together again. To start again, to add it in our memories, that time we might grow together again.

But people don’t always get lucky. Not all of us can get a second, third or fourth chances in lives. So when we have it, when we are able to grab those chances, we should keep it as an air in our lungs. Treasure it and don’t ever waste it.

Given us the familiarity, that certain voice or feelings, we should keep it alive. We should bury it in our hearts; no one can steal it, trust me it’s ours. 

This should be kept a worthwhile memory.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A letter to myself

DEAR ___________

First and for most, I am proud of you no matter what. You’ve come a looong way. This isn’t the time to give up. I know you miss your old self, the old _______ who can smile and be positive about the world, the old you who is a friend to all kinds of people, a hardworking _____, the one who busy herself doing amazing stuffs, the one who is afraid to get a low score test, the one who is imaginably a dreamer for herself and for her family. The old ______ is happy, I know. She never minds the bad in this world, for she doesn’t know back then, all she can see is a bright future, a happy world to live in.

But now, you have learned so much in this world. World isn’t about black and white, no, there are gray, red and blue, it depends. In short, you have learned that the world is not just one sided, it has many faces. You have learned to realize this, because of some experiences that brought you here. Life cannot offer you everything. You have learned love in a deeper way, you started disliking people, and you started to distrust people, even yourself. You have come to realize that fear is eating you alive. You have come to know that you can’t please many people in this world that some people just simply don’t like you and for that, you tried to make another version of you. You tried to be somebody else and it finally came to you that you’re not happy and sooner the system will just eat you up. You started to learn that there are different people in this world, different kinds, angels and monsters, bad and good, superstars and goons. You started knowing your real friends. You kinda made an organization, there are friends just for travel leisure, for fun and games, friends at work, friends you just say hi for a second, and luckily, friends that stays forever.  I tell you what, life isn’t black and white, it is a rainbow. For that, you finally came up with an answer that life is a coloring book, you choose what color to be put on.

When you’re still a child you only see the beautiful basic colors that makes up the world, but when you grow up, you finally realize that there are gray, maroon, fuchsia and beige. You suddenly learn the color palette. In this world, you strive hard, you really did. If you don’t then why are you here anyway? Some people will let you down, judge you, belittle you but let me tell you this, they don’t own you. You own yourself, you have the control besides God, so another thing, ask him. There are moments in your life when you didn’t know what to do, when you are stuck suddenly in a middle of nowhere, you can’t walk a little because you just didn’t know what to do. So, ask God for directions. Just remember, that always do what you love, always reach for that dream, never stop, always give your hundred percent at everything, because in the end, it will pay you a reward. Life isn’t depressing at all, you are not the only one who thinks and feels like an idiot for a moment. When you feel you’re worthless, don’t stay in bed for too long, stand up. And if your parents started nagging you for doing nothing, maybe they are right, you have to do something, cause time’s running up, it won’t wait you, maybe you’re late but you can catch up and when the time comes that you already know what to do, you’re just exact in time. Maybe you’re in a line between “going there” to “finish”, we all are. These feelings of loneliness, sadness, it will fade away once we know who we really are and what we are here for. It is a journey, so embrace every of it. We will all end up being happy and whole at the end. Just remember, don’t stay too long in bed. There’s still a chance for everyone.

Friday, April 22, 2016


It’s been quite awhile since I’ve been reading 365 ways of a healthier and happier you better each day by Jessica Cassity and before having this book I have a loooong way of figuring out which and why to buy a book for that day. Actually that day, I feel so down and uneasy with myself that I have decided to buy a book that will inspire me. (1) What career to choose on (2) Do I need to change directions? (3) Misdirection of what path to choose on (4) How to be happy and successful. These are the thoughts that keep on playing in my mind while I scan the books and find my perfect match.
I have come to like 6 books. (1) How to be successful in your chosen career (2) Things that scares you (3) Things that inspires you (4) Steps on moving forward (5) The answer to your questions (6) The book I have finally chosen.  I am really torn to number 1, 5 and 6. But I chose the latter. 365 days for a happier you, hmmm sounds good for spending 800 php for a book. It will be a great help for me every day since every time I can read just one page on it and then learn something from it to hopefully apply on that specific day. I haven’t finished the book yet, of course. But while I’m scanning, I have chosen ten things that I/You can do for a day and just ease your mind and somehow feel better than okay.

(1)   Television viewing doesn’t actually let you unwind – Instead, go for a walk or look at the nature outside if you really wanted to relax, cause watching TV, is not really for relaxation, it is for entertaining so having said it, your mind is still working. They’ve said that just by looking a tree outside, it will make you feel good somehow, because a tree represents hope.
(2)   Don’t skimp on sleep – Sleep deprivation will lead your brain to function below its full potential. If you have a presentation/exam tomorrow better prepared earlier and take a nap to refresh your brain because if you keep on studying even if you’re tired, 40% of the information will take in into your brain. (P.S Sometimes, this thing does not go well to many of us, but at least try some time and observe if it works on you).
(3)   Nix the iced tea to prevent kidney stones – According to Loyola University Chicago’s Stritch School of Medicine, if ice tea is your favorite thirst-quencher, you may likely to put yourself into having kidney problems. The culprit is oxalate, a chemical found in tea that is the key for the formation of small salt and mineral crystals. So, I might be ordering lemonade or water that can actually inhibit the growth of kidney stones.
(4)   Invest in Happiness – This is an all time favorite tag, yet it is true. Studies shows that spending money on shopping can make you actually feel better but sooner declines, but having to spend your money on a weekend vacation, having to learn diving or exploring the beaches or fell in love with the nature, it is much more satisfying and a good start to invest.
(5)   Deter dementia with higher education – European researchers have actually added to your pro-school list. If you’re thinking of going back to school again, chances are you reduce the risk of having dementia by 11%. Scientists found that for each year of education you accumulate, education somehow makes the brain better able to compensate for changes brought by dementia.
(6)   Addicted to your ex? Just wait it out – This is how it goes, researchers from New York and New Jersey looks at the brain of an individual who has been recently rejected. According to them, part of the brain that responded to the experiment while the individual was looking to photos of her ex was the same area that is active when cocaine addicts experience cravings. You see? It is an addiction, but an addiction to a person can be broken, unlike any other addiction, IT TAKES TIME.
(7)   Your slim-down secret weapon: A bus pass – It is just simply saying that, one way to slim down is by taking a bus for a ride because according to scientists, it actually helps you to lose weight! Plus, it saves you from spending money on your gas and parking!
(8)   Free yourself from the fear of failure – We all have been talking about this, don’t be afraid, try it out and work it out. “Fear of failure is related to a form of perfectionism, specifically what researchers refer to as socially prescribed perfectionism” according to David E. Conroy, PhD.
(9)   Protect your skin like a pro – Summer is really ON! And it feels like you’re too tired to celebrate summer when the sun is tickling your skin too much! So here’s a tip. Use a sun block instead of sun screen, because sun block has more broad spectrum and usable on all skin types, causing less irritations. Also, reapply at least every two hours while outdoors.
(10)The benefits of saying Thank you- Don’t let good deeds go un-thanked. Saying thank you can actually lead you to an improved mood. Reflect on the ways that others might actually did something to you and touched you, recognize this people by just simply saying thank you.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

What to do when you feel like giving up

             “Don’t stop believing… hold on to that feeling”
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”
                                                            -William Shakespeare

There are moments in our lives when we feel like we are alone in this dark and empty room, that is full of the things we almost scared about, the things we don’t supposed to see and feel and the things that mostly, eat us alive. We are all human and it is given that we are capable of anything, anything that makes us humane. There are sudden moments in our lives that we feel unimaginably happy and excited, moments in our lives where we almost feel like a feather just floating in the air, or moments in our lives where we feel invisible or just walk into nothingness.
When we’re happy it carries us for a moment, but when we are so down it occupies the moment in our life. But don’t let it take you over.
Whoever you are right now, reading this, I want to help you get through this.

      You are never alone
Simply think that it is not only you who experience this kind of stuffs. The only difference is how you deal and act on it. Some may passes it by, some don’t actually care, some may be so depressed right now or some may actually thought that they’re bigger than what they’re facing for. And for that, you’re never alone. Share it to a trusted one, your family, your friend, your sister or brother, but most especially share it to your creator and savior.

2.       Remind yourself, why you started this.
Of course, there are reasons for all the causes. Why you ended up depressed or sad? Why give up? What’s the reason to give up? But the root of all these, why you started it off at first? And believe me, if the reason is too strong, you won’t give up.

3.       Don’t hate the player! Change the game!
If you really thought that you’re not good enough at that certain moment in your life, then don’t really hate yourself! Find a way to get what you want! Change the game! Be the rules! Don’t give up!

4.       There is sunshine after the rain
Clichรฉ it may seems but even the song makes up a point. There are no up if there are no downs, no dawn if there are no dark. There is no harm in trying, give it a shot, don’t give up on the first try! And when you feel like you’re in the lowest point of your life, don’t let it knock you down!

5.      Be able to know when to quit.

Sometimes it is not time to give up. But it may be time to quit what you are doing and to try something else.  Giving up something you like is harder than to let go of the things you surely forget in an instance. If you feel like giving up or you are bored a lot, if you feel no real passion or excitement or curiosity change your course. But remember, do not give up if it’s really in your mind and soul, if the fateful bliss of yours keeps whispering to do it that this is the right thing to do, then why not try to do it again?

Sunday, February 21, 2016

8 songs to listen while on a roadtrip

Isn't it good when you have something on your player or radio that can somehow ease your mood over the traffic jam everyday? Sometimes you just have to utilize your time. While waiting for your destination, why not listen to some good feel musics?

Here, are some of my fave songs ๐Ÿ˜Š

1. Elephant - Tame Impala
    When the song just got started, you will love the upbeat tune of it! It's like, while listening into it, you are searching for your wonderland.

2 Always - Panama
   "Always, I remember you"

3. The kids were wrong - Memoryhouse
     Omy Gosh the vooooice, just so amazing.

4. Sweet Disposition - The temper trap

5. Float - Pacific Air
    "If I goooo a-all the way...."

6. Float on - Modest Mouse
    You just have to listen to this band, they are so cool.

7. Mardy Bum - Arctic Monkeys
    Fave band. I am sharing to you now, the wonders of this band. ๐Ÿ‘

8. Very Loud - Shout out Loud
    This song has a very good tune, that you can somehow forget the traffic in the road.

Hope you'll like it ๐Ÿ˜™ Give me some feedback about it!