Sunday, January 18, 2015

POPEDOM: POPE Francis and His freeDOM… to touch our hearts

Dear Pope Francis,

            Viva Il Papa! Bienvenido!

 I don’t know how to speak in Latin but let me use my deepest language came from my soul to Thank you Pope Francis! You are so humble and genuine, though you are the highest leader of the Catholic church, still you showed mercy, you showed love from every Filipino, you showed hope, but most of all, you lift our spirits to know, to love and to trust again. You let us know that no matter what, Jesus Christ is always with us! That he loves us, no matter what position, no matter what status we are in.  Thank you for your concern, for the love, and for believing that we Filipinos can stand because we are always loved by our Heavenly Father.

            So for my greatest appreciation for you Pope, here are the words that touch our souls.

-“I’m here to be with you,” he said. “A little bit late, I have to say. But I’m here. I’ve come to tell you that Jesus is Lord. That Jesus never lets us down.

-“But Jesus is there nailed to the Cross, and from there, he does not let us down. There, he experienced all calamities that we experience. Jesus is Lord, the Lord from the Cross, he is there for you!”

-“And I walk with you all with my silent heart.”

-“We have the security of knowing that we are not going to weaken in our faith, because Jesus has been there before us… In his passion, he assumed all our pain,”

-He encouraged the congregation to look to the maternal care of the Virgin Mary.“In the moments where we have so much pain, where we no longer understand anything, all we can do is grab hold of her hand firmly. And say ‘Mom,’ as a child does to a mother, when he or she feels fear.

-“Let us know that we have Mother Mary, and our older brother, Jesus. We are not alone.”

-“This is what comes from my heart, and forgive me if I have no other words to express this,” his homily concluded. “But please know, Jesus never lets you down. Please know that the love and tenderness of Mother Mary never lets you down.”

-“And holding onto her mantle, and with the love of Jesus on the Cross, let us move forward, always forward, and walk together as brothers and sisters in the Lord. Forward!”

-“When you lose the capacity to dream, you lose the capacity to love, and the energy of this love is lost”

-"You know how to give but you have not yet learned how to receive. Become a beggar. To learn how to receive with humility, to learn how to be evangelized by the poor. Do you know that you too are poor?

-“If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has a good will, who am I to judge? We shouldn’t marginalize people for this. They must be integrated into society”

-“Inequality  is the root of all evil”



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