Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Why you should travel alone for sometime?

1. Solitude
The world outside is a terror. You only have yourself to calm your thoughts and feelings, to get away from a hungry world. Being quiet is different from solitude. You have the inner peace and silence, you are reserved. When you travel solo, you'll think about the things in your life. You suddenly figure out what's going on. This is a perfect comfort to yourself.

2. You'll love yourself even more
There are number of reasons to hate yourself when you are surrounded by the chaos of the world. You hate yourself for doing nothing or for doing everything. But travelling alone, you'll figure out who's your real friend, you befriend yourself. There's only one you.

3. You'll be assertive
This is a time for adventure. You travel solo, you'll never know what's going to happen or who you'll meet. It's a total blank, but you're ready to color it. Loneliness will pass, because you found yourself talking, laughing with these different people.

4. EAT
This time it's your choice. You have no doubt of eating your fave sandwhiches, nachos or fish head curry, by thinking if your friends like it or not. It's all up to you.

5. A chance of having a total freedom
You're the driver of your car, you're the leader of this journey, the captain of your ship. You'll be independent, doing whatever you wanted, going whenever you wanted. It is a passion of your mind.


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